I edited The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary African American Literature, a map of the changing and varied field of African American writing since the Black Arts era.
I co-edited a special issue of Representations, on "Anticolonialism as Theory," a subset of conversations from the inaugural meeting of The Association of Postcolonial Thought.
I co-edited a special issue of American Literary History, with Gordon Hutner, on “Exiles, Migrants, and Refugees.”
From 2015-2022, I served as Editor for British and Anglophone Literature for the journal, Contemporary Literature, which publishes scholarly essays on contemporary writing in English, interviews with established and emerging authors, and reviews of recent critical books in the field.
I edited The Cambridge Companion to Transnational American Literature, which offers a clear and concise account of the scope, impact, and critical possibilities of the transnational turn, situating the study of American literature in relation to ethnic, postcolonial, and hemispheric studies.
I served as guest-editor of a 2014 special issue of the journal, Research in African Literatures, on the topic, “Africa and the Black Atlantic.”
From 2015-2022, I served as Editor for British and Anglophone Literature for the journal, Contemporary Literature, which publishes scholarly essays on contemporary writing in English, interviews with established and emerging authors, and reviews of recent critical books in the field.
I edited The Cambridge Companion to Transnational American Literature, which offers a clear and concise account of the scope, impact, and critical possibilities of the transnational turn, situating the study of American literature in relation to ethnic, postcolonial, and hemispheric studies.
I served as guest-editor of a 2014 special issue of the journal, Research in African Literatures, on the topic, “Africa and the Black Atlantic.”